As I already said, I'm not a good blogger... but I maybe find out why. I would like to write all those articles and how awesome it WAS. But by saying WAS means It's not gonna be anymore. I have to go back to my life and it feels weird. I have to get back to school like nothing happened. And so I guess that's why I'm saving these moments for later, to sit, see the photos, remember all the jokes once again and make the article later. I need to, I want to save all these moments and blog is one of the best options. Tomorrow, I'm leaving. On a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again. Probably never. But you never know... year ago I would never imagine that I'll spent three months in UAE. Come on I'm one of the poorest student's I know how could I possibly afford that?! But I managed mainly thanks to my parents... And I had such a good time. We had some problems and mainly with IAESTE but we managed to help ourselves and by that we ove...
Finally I managed to get all my stuff together, sit for three hours and just finish another video. It's 1 a.m. I'm really tired but again happy that I made it. These are my last days, I have so much to write about but I'm just enjoying the last moments of "summer" here. Winter is coming. *CZECH* Video z Burdž Chalífy & Dubai Aquaria! Konečně jsem dodělala všechny svoje resty, sedla si na tři hodiny a dokopala další video. Je jedna ráno, já jsem utahaná jak kotě ale zas mám velkou radost, že jsem to dokončila. Tohle jsou moje poslední dny, mám toho tolik co napsat ale jen si užívám poslední momenty zdejšího "léta". Zima přichází.