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Dubai aquarium

After visiting Burj Khalifa, me and Buse went to Dubai Mall to see Dubai aquarium. 
But before I start talking about that – few words about Dubai Mall. It’s the second largest mall in the world by total land area and it cointains aroun 1200 shops, including souq, ice ring, VR park, rainforest cafe and as mention above – aquarium. It’s really big… and more than that… we got lost 2 times! :-D But it’s awesome and I’d love to spend more time there even though it’s a mall and I hate malls.
Now about the aquarium. It was aweeeeeeesome!!! For 120 Dhs you get the ticket to aquarium tunnel (tunnel in huge tank filled with sharks and rays and more species of fishes) and underwater zoo.
First we went to the tunnel which was awesome but not as big as we expected and we were scared that we spend that amount of money for almost nothing :-D.
After that we went to Underwater zoo on second floor. And that was just huge!! I don’t understand how, every time we though these doors leads to the exit another room showed up, there were jellyfishes, aligators, Nemo and Dory, wierd fishes, colorful fishes, penguins, otters… It was awesome! :-D
We enjoyed so much! It was remarkable day, one of the best here. I was smiling all day long!! And you know that  I don’t do that very often. :-D
5 points!


Dubai aquarium

Po návštěvě Burdž Chalífy jsme se s Buse vydaly do nákupního centra Dubai Mall abychom viděly Dubai aquarium. Ale než o něm začnu mluvit - pár slov o Dubai Mall. Je to druhé největší nákupní centrum na světě celkovou plochou a nachází se v něm kolem 1200 obchodů včetně souku, kluziště, VR parku, pralesní kavárny a jak jsem zmínila - akvárka. No je fakt obří... a víc než to... dvakrát jsme se ztratily! :-D Ale je fakt skvělý a ráda bych tam strávila víc času i když je to nákupák a já nákupáky nesnáším.
Teď o akvárku. Bylo to božíííííííí!!! Za 120 dirhamů dostanete vstupenku do tunelu (tunel pod obří nádrží naplněnou žraloky, rejnoky a dalšími druhy ryb) a podvodní zoo.
Nejprve jsme šly do tunelu což bylo super, ale nebylo to tak velké jak bychom čekaly a bály jsme se, že jsme utratily tolik peněz skoro za nic :-D.
Poté jsme šly do podvodní zoo ve druhém patře. A to bylo doslova enormní!! Nechápu jak, ale pokaždé když jsme si myslely, že tyhle dveře už vedou k východu objevila se nová místnost. Byli tam medůzy, aligátoři, Nemo a Dory, divné ryby, barevné ryby, tučňáci, vydry... Bylo to super! :-D
Užily jsme si to hrozně moc! Byl to skvělý den, jeden z nejlepších tady. Celý den jsme se usmívala!! A vy víte, že já to moc často nedělám. :-D
5 bodů!


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  4. I believe you had a great experience exploring the enormous Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo. The maritime activities you undertook are breath-taking. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience through this comprehensive blog.

  5. The aquarium seems to be huge, also the pictures are beautiful, it feels like it is 3D I would like to visit this aquarim as I have seen many aquariams at other places but this one seems to be a must visit one.
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