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Showing posts with the label Remarkable things

Mighty hippocampus!

Greek mythology is really interesting, but sometimes it's just crazy. Seen: Mall of the Emirates *CZECH* Mocný hipokampus Řecká mytologie je opravdu zajímavá, ale občas je vyloženě střelená. Viděno: Mall of the Emirates (obchodní centrum)

Nobody knows Czech Republic

It's really expected, that everyone asks me where am I from. Embarrassing moments come when I tell the truth. Today's taxi driver's response totally surprised me. "Well, I meant like from which country..." So I tried to explain him that it is a country in Central Europe and that many people here know it more like Czechoslovakia. Which is true, most people don't know anything about the division, at that time they had their own problems, and history classes don't really teach them about the Czech Republic. "I've never heard of it, are you near some famous country?" !!!!!!!! "Maybe Germany?" "I know Germany! My cousin has moved there!" You know, I'm very bad in geography and above that i live with Terka who says that Banat is a cheap copy of Venice (in czech Benátky - you see some similarity). But with most of the countries I know that they really are countries and usualy I can assign their continent.

Ladies waiting area

I really admire how man treat women in UAE. Look! They even made a waiting area for them in car wash! You can finally wash your car without listening to: "OMG, why is it taking you so long!! We could have been home by now!" Really master piece...  *CZECH* Čekárna pro ženy Opravdu obdivuju jak se muži v SAE chovají k ženám. No koukněte! Dokonce pro ně otevřeli i čekárnu v myčce aut! Konečně můžete umýt své auto bez toho abyste poslouchali: "Panebože proč ti to tak trvá?! Už jsme dávno mohli být doma!" Opravdu mistrovský kousek...